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Data set: AeroDek - Robust 0.42 mm (06.01.000)

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AeroDek - Robust 0.42 mm
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A m² of a pitched steel roof, produced (cradle to gate LCA, only phase A1-A3) Scope and type: The AeroDek steel tiles are produced at the location of BMI AeroDek Herstal and they are applied at the European market. The background database is Ecoinvent version 3.5. It is a specific EPD for a specific product and the type of this EPD is Cradle-to-Gate. The life cycle stages included are shown next. Representativeness: The input data are representative for AeroDek - Robust 0.42 mm, a product of BMI. The data are representative for the EU market. Calculation rules: In the Life cycle assessment the following is included in this study: Production A1-A3. Modules A1-A3 of the AeroDek tiles production include the following: - The provision of resources, additives, and energy; - Transport of resources and additives to the production site; - Production processes on-site including energy; - Production of additives, disposal of production residues, and consideration of related emissions; - Recycling of production/manufacturing scrap. Steel scrap is assumed to reach the end-of-waste status once it is shredded and sorted, thus becomes input to the product system in the inventory. Cut-off criteria Measurement of on-site emissions were performed by BMI and those emissions were considered. The specific emissions that are linked to the provision of thermal and electrical energy are also considered in the specific processes. All reported data were incorporated and modelled using the best available LCI data. Data for the sites were cross-checked with one another to identify potential data gaps. No processes, materials or emissions that are known to make a significant contribution to the environmental impact of the studied products have been omitted. On this basis, there is no evidence to suggest that input or output contributing more than 1% to the overall mass or energy of the system - or that are environmentally significant - have been omitted. Assumptions and approximations In this study, primary data was used to model all on-site processes. This data was cross-checked to identify and eliminate data gaps. Secondary data from the Ecoinvent database was as technologically and geographically representative as possible. Data quality The foreground data collected by the manufacturer are based on yearly production amounts and extrapolations of measurements on specific machines and plants. The production data refer to the year 2020. Most of the necessary life cycle inventories for the basic materials are available in the Ecoinvent v3.5 database. Scenarios and additional technical information: In the Life cycle assessment the following is included in this study: Product stage A1-A3 The production stage consists of the extraction of raw materials, transportation of the raw materials, processing the raw materials into materials and the production of the product. The required energy for production, external treatments, ancillary materials, packaging material and production emissions are included. Declaration of SVHC: None of the substances contained in the product are listed in the "Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for authorisation", or they do not exceed the threshold with the European Chemicals Agency. More information:
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
BMI AeroDek
Technical purpose
Input Products
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Compliance systems
  • EN 15804 (Overall compliance: Not defined)
  • ISO 14025 (Overall compliance: Not defined)
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